Originally Posted by Clarkm
Originally Posted by BeanMan
Market timing is for fools.

Some people may be able to do it, but when I tried in 1982-1994, all I did was loose money.
I bought Cisco and Microsoft and all the things that would have made me rich, but I sold at a loss at the first down turn.

I lost so much money, that if someone could figure out what I did, and do the opposite, they would get rich.

Then I switched from being a technical market timer, to a fundamentalist long term investor.

What is the long term annual compounded return on:
Gold 3%
Guns 3%
Guitars 3%
Real estate 6%
Real estate [with 20% down payment] = 30%
Stocks 9%
Google over 27 years = 12%
Amazon over 24 years = 35%
Microsoft over 35 years = 25%
Apple over 40 years = 19%
paccar over 41 years = 11%
purchasing power of US dollar over 50 years = -3.7%

Last edited by CashGap; 04/15/21.