Originally Posted by fester
Originally Posted by gunner500
Funny, have heard of crazy women all my life, have yet to meet one, i think they have a coyotes built in survival chip in their brains, if they think you may be crazier than they are, they wont give you any stupid shlt!

Have yet to get to know one.

Early 20’s and dating a smoking hot certifiable crazy b itch.
She was off her rocker one night and the cops showed up.
One male and one female Leo.
This female Leo was ready to take me in for dv because she skinned her knee falling
down grabbing my leg as I was walking out the door. The male Leo was on the other side
of the door and heard all her cray [bleep].

I opened the door to walk out and there he was and there I was was with a bloody nose lol
b itch Leo was hell bent on taking my sober ass to jail because of her rug burn🤣

Neve mind my bloody nose.

Male Leo gave me a ride to a buddies house and a good talking to.

He told me stories of crazy b itches bashing their heads against a wall, mirror etc and
blaming the guy for it. He set me straight. Talked about felonies ect.... B itches are nuts.

Shortly after I joined the military.

Still run into nucking futz chics. Lol

Good god man, geography may play into that some too.

Trump Won!