Every one is different. I've had 3 meniscus repairs, 2 on left knee, 1 on right knee.

My GUESS: your day one feelings are the drugs, so don't be dumb, rest.

It will be bloated and stiff, but pain from the meniscus like you had won't come back. You will have to get range of motion back, hence the PT. It's straight forward and you can do it on your own, but that takes two things: 1) knowing what to do 2) Actually doing it! #2 is the hardest. You will have to push that knee via PT to get range of motion and strength back, with PT you go 2-3 times/week and they can tell if you are keeping up on your own, and trust me, if you don't get it moving they will and it will hurt! Do the PT, make progress and everyones the better.

You mentioned arthritis, My first one had that as well and he told me flat out I was heading for a replacement, but not for years. He was right, I know have a TKR, but there was many years between those two things.