Originally Posted by shootem
OK, I’m an idiot demon that has no clue about world economics, in the opinion of some. Could not care less about those opinions. Yes, I know there are Communist China components in Hyundai vehicles. I’m quite sure they’re there in Bentley’s as well. That’s not the point of the problem. When there is a choice of products with similar features, some made in Communist China by enslaved people and the others made in other countries, I’m going with “others” every time. I will not knowingly, by choice, with other options put money into Communist China or those who support their manufacturing. Is that really so hard to understand?? It will be a difficult path but this economic imbalance can be improved. And if it does not start with me it will not start. I fear not. The US does not need Communist China. Cut them off, close our borders, limit immigration to those who can improve our country, allow ourselves to be energy independent, and get rid of corrupt politicians and CEOs one by one. Bold, huh. It can be done. And a very simple first step is individual effort. I’ll say again, I hope every outdoor related product imported by greedy non-Patriotic CEOs to peddle Communist Chinese produced products to free American sportsmen based on “cheaper”, rots in the warehouse. Unless I desperately need that product and there is no substitute, for my part that is what will happen.

Don’t play dumb. Stop putting up false logic. You either support Communist Chinese trade or you don’t. I DO NOT. I wish all their leaders a speedy trip to hell. May Jehovah God bring upon these Godless heathen, heartless, inhumane merchants of evil swift punishment. And I have only slightly less sympathy for the CEOs who worship increased profit at the cost of human life and freedom. Do as you wish. But don’t hide behind “yeah but”. Done. And I am morally on the high ground. No more comments here.

My thoughts exactly shootem..........


Not being married to any particular political party sure makes it a lot easier to look at the world more objectively...
Having said that, MAGA.