Originally Posted by LJBass
Doesnt work that way unless something happens to both of them at the same time. Otherwise, Biden is gone, Harris moves up and appoints her own VP... And the cycle continues.

But dont let me ruin your wet dream.

Not so sure about that, I think you may be having the wet dream. I did find this but I’m pretty sure no one on here knows for sure.

"Yes both the President and the Vice President can be Impeached at the same time IF BOTH have committed treason or high crimes. To Impeach, we must remember, is to formally bring charges agaist the President or Vice President infront of the US Senate. It is NOT the removal from office. It can result in the removal from office if found guilty, but does not have to. Their have been only two Presidents Impeached in the History of the USA: Andrew Jackson and Bill Clinton. Neither President was forced to resign the Office of President. Both were Formally charged (Impeached) infront of the US Senate. The only Vice President to ever be Impeached was under President Nixon. Spiro Agnew was his first Vice President and the only Vice President to ever step down from office. Interestingly enough, President Nixon was never Formally Impeached. President Nixon resigned the Office of President of the United States of America BEFORE Formal Impeachment charges could be brought before the US Sentate. I hope this answers sufficiently".

Last edited by tpcollins; 04/19/21.