Originally Posted by goalie
Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
For those following this, I didn't follow the whole story line. I was under the understanding he died at the scene, from the narrative the cop supposedly killed him. And I noticed someone on another site bring up the point about how he couldn't die with the O2 SAT he had.

So I posted this point, and assumed that is what was verified at the time he died at the scene.

It's that simple. I simply wanted to throw a positive point out here, and the communists on this site, well, they like being scum commies, and their posting proves it out.

Now, if you mentally deranged trolls want to have fun, by all means, twist the story however you want to.

How about this: stop trying to pretend you're a fugging expert at stuff you don't even have a basic level of competency in????

You posted something dumb. It was pointed out.

Then, instead of stopping, you kept doubling down.

You did the same thing re hockey with me before.

It makes you appear to be a confrontational cockwomble. Probably because you are.


The fact you're a mentally deranged cyber troll on the internet, who continuously lies, says everything anyone needs to know as to what the state of the medical field is now.

You are a piece of human garbage, nothing else.

You have serious mental issues to spend your life online cyber stalking, and twisting stories, and outright lying.

You're sick. It's really that simple.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)