Originally Posted by ironbender

Bear Lives Matter.

Yes Mike, they certainly do!

Ever since I was just a wee las and ol' Walt Disney decided to apply human like names to animals and even make words come from their mouths I've pondered, Just what kind of humans do they most closely represent?

[Linked Image from lumiere-a.akamaihd.net]

I've spent endless hours on the back of my horse wandering through the mountains just sitting and thinking about this question.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

There's my mules for instance, we take everything we have, including the kitchen sink, pile it all on their backs and make them climb mountains and swim rivers just so we can have a comfy camp.

Yet they seldom complained, we'd work them until their shoes wore thin. Then we'd just throw them on the ground, pound on a new set of shoes and make them do it again.

[Linked Image]

These mules had to do all the work and they got no respect at all!

Due to all these things, I deem mules to be the Mexicans of the animal kingdom. That's the humans they most closely represent.

Then there's these bears, just what type of human might they most closely represent? There must be something in their character that could help define them.

They seem to always be getting into trouble..

[Linked Image from sgbonline.com]

Even people that like them know they are best avoided if you don't want do have problems with them.

They come in all colors from light tan to jet black and that's a good thing because they often like to prowl around in the dark and it helps them stay hidden.

They seem to know when I'm away and no matter how well I lock up they manage to break in and steal all my stuff.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Some times they just seem to tear schit up for no reason at all.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Yet no matter what they do be it rob, pliage or even kill, people seemingly come outta the woodwork to protect them.

It's as if they can do no wrong, anything goes.

If you shoot one all hell is sure to break loose.

Hell, even Yogi spent his entire career teaching his son Booboo how to swipe people's stuff while evading law enforcement and everyone thought it was cute.

[Linked Image from cdn2.newsok.biz]

Maybe someone here could help me with this life long question.

Just what people do these bears most closely represent?
There must be something in their character that helps define them.