Afghanistan is a country run by Muslim fanatics and stuck in the 8th century. England, the greatest empire the world had ever known, invaded in the 19th century, stuck around for a while, and then left.
The mighty Russians invaded during Jimmy Carter, took a whipping, and left.
And the Idiot Boy, George Bush the Stupid, thinks we are going to stay in Afghanistan and straighten them out? Must have been one of Cheney's ideas.

No, Bush should have gone in there, wiped out the Taliban as he did, and stayed one year. Rebuild some bridges and hospitals, and then gotten the hell out.
You can't turn a bunch of 8th century savage Muslim goat herders into a bunch of Christian Boy Scouts.

Rudyard Kipling wrote about the futility of Afghan wars in the 19th century:

"When you're lying wounded on Afghanistan's plains
And the women come out to cut up what remains
Just roll to your rifle, and blow out your brains
And go to your God like a soldier..."

I feel so sorry for all the men we have lost in the past 16 years, and for those who got their legs blown off. A complete waste of our time and resources.