Originally Posted by renegade50
Originally Posted by MPat70
Originally Posted by rickt300
Anybody here ever lug one around?

Yes I have had the pleasure of hauling one around. The Hog is one heavy ass gun after a 17 mile road march!


Homie bought himself a new of tanker boots in germany
The ones with the wrap around leather strap.
BC authorizerd em for wear.
We was mech D co 1/ 16th

Anyways homie did a 12 miler with his newly assigned pig.
Would not give it up when people tried to spell him.

My feet were hamburger...

Thank god it was on a friday.

Young , dumb , trying to prove I was tough.
Dont show wealness.
New e4 just came in unit from carson .
Asked to be a 60 gunner after having been a AG at Carson.
Did my time on the 60.
Got lateral promoted to Corporal and made a fire team ldr.
Got a new A2.
Kept moving up .
Rest is history.

Dont wear new tanker boots on a 12 miler is the morale of the story....

I was 11B infantry so learned early on to never wear new boots on any sort of road march. As a Pvt1 I learned to love moleskin 😁
Our worst nightmare was in Wildflecken Germany when we had to hop a 2½ton (deuce & ½) to get where they wanted us quickly. So damn cold and the metal floor of the 2½ ton sucked the warmth out of your feet. Then when it stopped and you had to jump down off it, hitting the ground with completely frozen feet was like jumping on 10,000 needles. Oh I can still remember that pain 32 years later.
The worst marches ever were in Hohenfels Germany. The damn mud would stick to your boots like glue. Every 3rd or 4th step you would kick your foot out to try and dislodge 20lds of mud only to gain it back again in a couple steps. I have never walked in mud like that anywhere else in the world...... Ah the sweet memories of life as an infantry soldier. Like every Vet here on the Fire I could talk for days about my time in the Army.

Last edited by MPat70; 04/23/21.