I've got an old FoxPro 416 that I've been using for over probably close to 20 years. Works great for my needs. Have called in many a predator with it, and see no need to upgrade.

[Linked Image from farm7.staticflickr.com]

I use it in combination with mouth calls. For coyotes, will typically start the stand off with a few interrogation howls on the mouth blown caller. Wait 3 or so minutes, and if no vocal response (challenge howl, where I'd challenge howl back at them) then start throwing in some distress sounds on the foxpro.

If there's a coyote in the area it may not respond to interrogation howls. But if they're around, they heard it. Throw in some distress sounds, and coyote now thinks someone is in his area AND eating his wabbits.

Coyote(s) come in, pop one (or as many as you can), and immediately get on the howler for some coyote distress (yelps). Many times that brings one or two more running in on afterburners.

Good fun.

During mating season, female invitation holws on the mouth blown howlers can lead to some excitement.

Coyote pup distress sounds also bring them in hot and fast also, and brings in bobcats pretty good as well.

A simple battery operated decoy works wonders as well to get their attention (especially the cats) and get the coming in on a string.

I've got this one. All that is needed.

[Linked Image from i.ebayimg.com]

Couple small and effective packages that work great.

Guns are responsible for killing as much as Rosie O'Donnel's fork is responsible for her being FAT.