Originally Posted by SuperCub
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
So, what's the problem? I saw no loss of muzzle control.

There may be rules in place controlling such activities. The RO was probably just seeing that those rules were adhered to.

Not all ROs are Nazis, Karens or control freaks. I wouldn't want to do the job given the long lines of dolts that show up with a gun in hand.

I have no love for the rangemasters at my range but with 3500+ members, a lot of them pretty damn new shooters, you see stuff you can't believe. I got written up last year. I was the only person on the 200 yard line and had the audacity to violate the rules by having a gun out of the case prior to the 0800 opening time and to not have an empty chamber indicator in it (it was a Ruger #1). laugh I was a menace.

I recall the days of being able to shoot at a small private range fondly, alas, not likely to happen here but our leaving MD clock is ticking.

If something on the internet makes you angry the odds are you're being manipulated