My daughter is an ER physician. Her ER recently was overun, as it was earlier last year, with unvaccinated Covid cases requiring hospitalization. Patients were stacked up in halls and waiting rooms until a bed in the Covid units upstairs became available. The vaccines are generally considered 95% effective so the odd case of infection following vaccination might be expected. IIRC, Michigan has had something like 8 documented cases of Covid infection following proper protocol vaccination...that's out of hundreds on thousands of vaccinations. Pretty good odds if you ask me.

While we're on the issue of debunking some of the horse puckey posted here, exactly which Michigan voting districts in which specific counties had documented voter fraud? And for each, how many allegedly bad ballots? Just askin'.

There are all these allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election but those very same ballots elected many Republican state and local officials. Just where did all of this alleged fraud occur?