So then, Rings sorted and on hand (another matter I assure you).

Nit Pick these three rails, please. No guessing just the facts, PLEASE For a few bases, the cost not much of a factor but noted any way. I glass bed bases. Might just commit and epoxy bases to guns. Availability just now is good on all three.

(1) Leupold Back Country ............I have this on several rifles on my guns, fit is very close .I cannot get a sheet of paper under rear of base when front screws snug. No need to glass bed. (unusual in my experience) (medium $$)
(2) Weaver Tactical .....................No experience however the design includes a recoil boss that sounds like a good idea.Probably uses "Weaver" pan head screws, they work OK (east $)
(3 )DNZ ......................................Excellent one piece ring/mounts not much room for improvement. DNZ uses full size cap screws, (more surface area in the base recess,) Overall a more secure feeling than small head torx used by Leupold . (most $$$)

For use in Alaska, so steel bases not considered. Going on Weatherby Stainless Rifles

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