I saw the ABC Evening News just a few minutes ago. Five minute story, an attack by Taliban near a school, bomb attack as usual, 30 people in the hospital the youngest 10 years old.

This is going to happen, seven times a day for the next year as we pull out. The biggest force in this hell hole is Muslim extremists and they want things back in the Eighth Century, where females wore the Burkha and couldn't go to school, and these Taliban are willing to die to achieve their goal.
In this show on ABC they showed the Afghan Army at the rifle range, shooting their M 16s that we paid for, honestly these guys looked like goofballs to me. Awkward soldiers who had a hard time putting the mag into the rifle.

This reminds me so much of South Vietnam in 1973 when Nixon withdrew our troops. The big question, Could the South Vietnamese Army stand up to the communists?
Well, the answer was, NO! Turned out there wasn't much of a South Vietnamese Army. Look at the South Vietnam flag, half of it is Red and the rest is Yellow.
The vaunted South Vietnamese Army was a puppet army invented by the US. The government of President Thieu was likewise, a puppet government with little real support. The only support was for the communists.

And so it is going to be in Afghanistan. The Afghan Army is going to fold going up against the Taliban. How many billions of dollars, how many young American men killed, how many young Americans with their legs blown off, to push this travesty of a war.

Thank you, Dick Cheney, John Bolton, and President George the Stupid.