Hoping hard for Corey & the family for full recovery. Texted w/EH earlier when he was standing in vigil in the ICU. As was said, EH told me that the trauma team is cautiously optimistic and with BP improvements they were planning to move Corey to a specialized care unit in Denver. When EH was my guest here along w/Doc Rock and STX, he had a couple long conversations w/my old man, as they shared similarities as far as work in the engineering field. I hope hard that they'll also have another similarity: that they both have sons who survived horrific M/C wrecks that most wouldn't have survived. EH wrote that the MRI of C's brain did not show any damage, which is a blessing in itself. Last thing, and I don't GAS if anyone takes issue w/my saying so: wear a fuggin helmet. If I wasn't wearing mine on that hot August day in '86 I'd have died on scene. That wreck cost me my right lung and years of pain and injuries that still plague me, but I'm still here 35 years later thanks to Drs. Tortella & Christiansen, Shoei helmet and God, probably... Godspeed to C and his fam'. I brought lobsters for Corey a couple years ago @ antelope camp but he never made it over. Bet the next time, if a repeat hunt happens, those bugs any every other bite he takes tastes like Heaven.