And prices will jump cause of a 24 to 48 hr blip.

Sure glad they got their "schitt straight" to make benjamins off it.
Speculators on oil markets planet wide loving this schitt and the uncertainty it creates.

And Russia,china, iran, or the norks are snickering ...

Whoever or whatever..
No difference..

Weak azz Biden wont do a damn thing.......
And the agenda to spend for " infrastructure upgrade" will be talking head points.
And benjamins to be made by those with the right stock portfolio profiles.


This schitt is too fughing planned out all around.
Just takes a moment of thought to see it all.
So much schitt you cant even begin to describe it all.
Almost like backwater channels coordinating for it all.
Just like the C19 scamdemic.

And the average sheep in this nation is oblivious to it all....

Buy ammo with cash and any non 4473 wpns you can.

Cause this nations economy can collaspe fast with a series of dominoe effect cyberattacks.

These "small examples" we are being treated too every so often are just the tip of the iceberg when ya think about it.

Imagine what would happen if nuke plants get cyber attacked.
Or our satellite systems....