Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd

To all, for your consideration, here is an interesting blog on this very topic and pastor from AT:


Good morning to you sir, I hope that all things within your control are going well and that all your family are healthy.

Thanks for posting that link, it's a thought provoking viewpoint for sure.

As I've suggested in a previous post or two, there's a lot of balls in the air or better said forces at play here and it's tough for me to clearly see who is motivating whom many times.

This young fellow is a Montreal lawyer who has a channel I've been watching for some time now as he breaks down cases in the news in such a way that lay folk like myself can wrap my head around it.

He is, I'll hasten to add, self admittedly not religious in any way and honestly not always that right leaning on all topics, but overall he's attempts to be balanced in explaining what the ramifications of the case being discussed might be down the road.

I'll note that there's pretty much always ramifications down the road to anything we do isn't there George? Including sitting by and doing nothing I'd opine.

Anyways, here's David Frei from Montreal.

Thanks again for the morning reading material George and all the best of the Lord's blessings to you and your family.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"