Originally Posted by Brad
Dwayne, what is very clear is that the Kingdom that He calls his followers to proclaim is not of this world. God is not political and could care less about my politics or your politics. Jesus died for people, not politics. What the scripture is VERY clear about is that His Good News is proclaimed, and that we ought to "become all things to all men that by all means we might save some." For the church of Jesus Christ this should not be a nationalized/political thing... if we really care about His Kingdom we should ignore the politics of men and proclaim His truth. Remember how Jesus told His disciples to "render to Caesar what is due to Caesar"? There is no recognition of right or wrong there, just that we render to government what is asked because "we are not of this world." Our citizenship is not in Canada or the USA but in Heaven.

But the scripture always runs cross-wise to what we humans think... this thread is a perfect example.

I'm still looking for the scripture which instructs me to compel my fellow man by threat of violence to do or not do things for his own good. It would appear that you are in full support of doing so, citing the teachings of Christ re: stumbling blocks and loving your neighbor. Wow is right.