Originally Posted by mjbgalt
As for the native American DNA...i have 100 percent proof I am 1/8 Sioux and the ancestry test came back not mentioning that. I did a little digging and it seems the tribes told them no way when it came to giving them samples to use.

So it sounds like their tests are not as accurate as they want us to think. It's only as accurate as the data they have to work with like any other piece of science.

It’s not that their tests aren’t accurate, it has to do with them not exactly reporting the complete story. Had a bit of a conversation with archaeologist son on this very subject. He occasionally gets involved in a bunch of DNA work thru his employment.
He said something like that a bunch of folks are doing the test specifically to see if they have any NA DNA. As we was a bit of drinking involved during this discussion I will try to explain the best I remember. He stated that if the numbers are low, as would be the case in many circumstances, they go unreported. So unless it is quite obvious that you have NA DNA, they are more or less, adhering to an agenda.

I know that my good childhood bud (now deceased), stated that his results showed small “Mongolian” traces. So that may be one method of Skirting the issue.

Also there is always the possibility that being so miniscule and watered down, the NA DNA was simply not passed to a person.

Son went on to say this was a method to keep caucasians from claiming NA descent. He also said you can asked to have it checked and some companies will come clean and give you nimbers.

Now I may be totally full of schidt. And admit it. But something along these lines is the best way I remember the conversation. He’s is convinced that any NA traces our family may have are just not there. Despite the same old family stories. But he went on to state that did not mean they weren't there in past great grandparents etc

Like I said, this is the best I remember. Anyone else heard any of this???

Ancient Order of the 1895 Winchester

"Come, shall we go and kill us venison?
And yet it irks me the poor dappled fools,
Being native burghers of this desert city,
Should in their own confines with forked heads
Have their round haunches gored."