Originally Posted by mjbgalt
As for the native American DNA...i have 100 percent proof I am 1/8 Sioux and the ancestry test came back not mentioning that. I did a little digging and it seems the tribes told them no way when it came to giving them samples to use.

So it sounds like their tests are not as accurate as they want us to think. It's only as accurate as the data they have to work with like any other piece of science.

DNA doesn't get passed on in direct proportion to your ancestry, in other words if one of your 8 great grandparents was 100% Sioux, that doesn't mean that 1/8 of your DNA would be Sioux. I have distant ancestors from the Delaware tribe but no DNA from that line, while one of my sisters does have DNA from them. Actual inherited DNA is pretty random and siblings will often have quite a different mix of DNA.

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