This has turned out much as I thought it would, several of you looked at the cartridge as I do for pure shape of the object, others saw the preformance offered by that shape...that is ok too. But Schiester the ugliest cartridge can not go to the 35 Rem as it is beautifull and I happen to own one. Nope the ugly cartridge has to be the 32 Win Special.
Wade the 45-70 is a beauty unto it self, simple straight foreward and big.
Now guys don't get me wrong there are those of you out there who would prefer Sophia Loren in her prime to Anna Nicole Smith in her on the hoof todays model and Visa Versa. Ken I'll take a 100 rounds and the dies, let me know when you get them I'll send the money or sooner. To all of you, this little exercise simply shows that we are individuals, we look at things, objects, from different perspectives. Some of us see the physical shape while others see what that shape has the potential to do.
So many guns so little money


Money talks Bull [bleep] walks
Business as usual