Originally Posted by wabigoon
No , bad steaks, just dull knives. laugh

I've had bad steak.
Folks friends had a cow get stuck in a fence.
Made her into steaks, had us over awhile later.
You are right about dull knives, you couldnt cut it.
When you did, it better be small, because you couldnt
chew it. I was about 10, and frustrated as hell just trying
to get something to eat. Finally cut it small, swallowed it whole.
Mom would have slaughtered me if a word had been said.

Another friend invited wife and I over for steaks on the grill.
Knew I was in trouble when I saw the foil on the grates.
Knew it was bad when he poured water on the foil with the steaks

Mom would have been proud,
Ate my steak, ("Thanks, but I couldn't eat another one. I'm full")
And complimented his cooking.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!