Originally Posted by jaguartx

Of course, thats what.99.99% of womens divorce lowyers say, and tell.their clients to say.

It results in.rich divorced women and poor divorced men and step fathers molesting and often killing the womans kids by the first so called pos she married

Then that.ends up greasing the hands of lowers.

"Step fathers molesting and OFTEN killing".........Like that is the most likely outcome????

Jesus Jag, you are one sick fugg sometimes.

And yes, I am one of those who are too fugging smart to believe women were put on Earth to be my slave for sex and household duties. If you want some nookie, it behooves you to make sure she enjoys it before and more than you.

Otherwise you WILL pay for IT one way or another.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.