Good afternoon, thanks for the reply and you're most welcome sir.

Since I do have a modicum of knowledge of where the local FN bands are at, I felt it wasn't a bad idea to at least relate what I know/knew.

The bands by the way do work together on some issues, but don't see eye to eye on others, so as I've stated on another forum discussing this, the chances of this being a non FN fire bug are just as good or in my view better than some organized push to burn down churches.

We unfortunately have seemingly more than our fair share of arsonists in the south valley and this might be some idiot using the situation in Kamloops to their advantage - or not - I have no clue there.

The current band leadership in the ones I've mentioned - as far as I am aware - have come out condemning the arson and were as mentioned, very balanced and professional in their statements.

Prince Shiny Pony in my opinion is an empty suit and will do whatever he's told and say the same. I don't know who controls the strings for him, but in my view he's not a strong leader with his own vision. Again I'm extremely biased on that opinion and will be the very first to admit it.

I am also jaded and cynical enough with the actions of the current Liberal, NDP, Green and BQ parties that I'd have to believe they'll do or say whatever they think will get them votes.

Sorry for being somewhat negative on the Federal level, we're suffering from a dearth of leadership on all fronts it seems.

All the best and hopefully the weather cools off for you.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"