Originally Posted by Valsdad
Like Sal,

I'm "hated" by many.

Started way back in the 60's and 70's. Continues to this day. Long hair, beard, earrings, barefootin' it all over, gun owner, Calioto by way of a big eastern state, college edumacated, foreign car owner, American car owner, bicyclist on public roads, hunter and fisher, hetero, surfer and boogie border (they hate each other even), goobermint employee, worked for a living most all of his life, likes Tom Macdonald music, dislikes today's "country" music, my posts are sometimes too long and probably contain words some folks have to look up..............

and the list goes on.

Most folks don't even have to try and they could find a reason to hate me. wink

PS, I forgot to add...........................BOOMER!

I like you G....Wait, you have a ear ring? Dooood !


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”