Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by jmp300wsm
Yep hilarious. Greg and Ribka, Randy and Buzz have done more for hunting than you 2 or many others will ever dream to do. Your just another keyboard warrior doing your best to act as if you really know something about something. I do not agree with everything they may do but the fact remains that they actively participate in the future of our sport more than most. Until you do the same you need to shut your yap. I will let you continue your blind spear chucking now. Have at it.

Future of the sport? lol Who's version of the future? The commercialization and Monetization of public hunting land linked to likes and egos on social media and bank accounts? Randy- I just shot this buck and couldn't have done with out this 275 dollar sitka vest.

I did more for wildlife conservation by the age of 18 with my Dad than buzzy and randy and we didn't make a cent off of it.

They're money and attention whores and they have ruined hunting and the hunting culture throughout the west and made a good deal of money off of it. They wouldntn lift a finger to help without virtual signaling on social media about how wonderful they are so they can generate more likes for their sponsors.

Unfortunately they have legions of idiots raised on social media worshipping them. And hunting opportunities keep reducing every year.


- Greg

Success is found at the intersection of planning, hard work, and stubbornness.