I live in rural Wisconsin and I have my own area, on my own land, to shoot when ever I want or need to....

I have a few folk that live in the near distance... that also have area on their own land to shoot... and I have a small quantity of Public land near by with little to no regulations for recreational shooting...

Before the ammo shortage set in.... One guy up on a hill just a mile to the west would be out by 930am Saturday and shoot guns all day 'till 3-4 pm... non stop. And then do it all the same on Sunday... gun fire all day, all weekend, EVERY weekend.

Other land owners around me that are from urban areas come out on random weekends and do the same from time to time... Then you add in the random recreational shooter on the public land near me and all you hear all weekend and some week days in the summer is non-stop gunfire...

The 4th of July weekend reminded me of how nice it is to have the ammo shortage... and not have to hear gunfire in the country all day, every day.

Now, when I occasionally hear gunfire off in the distance.... I think.... "that guy must be wealthy..."

Well... we have come to the point.... where... the parasites are killing the host. It's only a matter of time now.

They only win.... when they cheat.