I had one earlier this year. Went with the Gatorade heavy prep with some Dulcolax and lemon flavored goop. Towards the end of the second bottle, id just go sit on the hopper. Goes right through you. I felt like a human pressure washer.

I made sure to screen my GI doc. She is very pretty with a great sense of humor. As I got on the table, I apologized in advance for everything she might see, smell or hear! They all laughed, then gave me the juice. It was a glorious hour long sleep, was disappointed when they woke me up.

Wonder if anyone has ever played an April Fools joke on their GI doc. Big bowl of chili, an ear of corn, a couple hand fulls of peanuts, a hard boiled egg and a few dark beers the night before.........


(In all seriousness, its easy. I spent an extra couple hundred and got the upper GI checked out also. A 2 fer)

The woods and the water recharge my batteries.