Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by duck911
All politics, assaults, and name calling aside....... A simple question.

There is a group of folks here that believe a COVID shot is going to result in quite a bit of mayhem - clots, strokes, DNA changes, and, really, mass deaths for anyone who has been stuck. There is a lot of excitement here about mass "vaccine" deaths.

Roughly FIFTY PERCENT (50%) of the US has been stuck (let alone the rest of the world). That means, if your death wish's are even REMOTELY correct, we will see a die off event like never experienced in recent human history. The impact to the US economy and national security will be massive.

My serious question is, if you are in that camp, what MATERIAL changes are you making to your home, food supplies, and security to survive in this impending mass die off event? Are you putting your money where your mouth is? Hoarding? Have you removed all cash from the market, and gone to all precious metals? Have you started stockpiling fuel? Food?

Are you preparing for a society that in 5 or 10 years will look NOTHING like we have now? Collapsing infrastructure..... A collapsing pharmaceutical supply chain. Bye Bye to your gout meds and high blood pressure pills.

If it is true, WHY THE FUGK would anyone who believes that, be spending a SECOND on this forum, and not preparing to protect their family? Hell, the apocalypse is eminent, in the next few years.

Inquiring minds wanna know!

You are a bunch of tinfoil nutters if you believe the government is out to harm you.... they are here to help and you are too stupid to understand that.
My stock portfolio is doing great and Starbucks still sells lattes..... I am smart and you are stupid... and prepping is uber dumb...
I invented 911 to help you peasants.... you should be grateful and worship me.

Missed the mark, by a mile. I have not, and will not get the shot, and I AM a prepper. And I don't trust the gov't for one second.

Are you in the mass die off camp? While I don't trust the gov't and won't take the shot, I do not believe half the world will die off, like some here. You?

The DIPCHIT ADD, after a morning of drinking:

You despair, repeatedly, constantly! daily basis?
A despair ninny.
Sack up, despire ninny.