Originally Posted by IA_fog
Originally Posted by Hogwild7
I realize these covid 19 shots aren't true vaccines. But haven't vaccines pretty much eliminated diseases like small pox, diphtheria , and others?
The vaccines for covid 19 were fast tracked by the Trump administration.

My argument first,,,,
Small pox 30+% death rate
Diphtheria 10% death rate’
Measles 30% death rate
Pneumonia 10%
Covid 19 .2%
So why all the push
Now my question,, what is the push so hard for those who dont want it?? Is it just a power trip thing? Or is it to just keep dividing this country because the race war wasn’t winning? What is the true hidden agenda? I dont believe you can die from the vaccine because if that was the case they wouldn’t push it on us CONSERVATIVES, or third world countries, dont they want the population too die off? What is the hidden piece I can’t see
Huh? Measles = 30% Death rate?, Covid 19.2% Death rate?

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