I'm sorry to read of this portent of evil as a beginning to your day sir.

Since you're not stuck in a wilderness area, I can only imagine that you're able to take a drive and rectify the situation forthwith?

We had something similar happen with our coffee grinder not even a month ago, whereupon we did just that - drove to town and spent coin of the realm on a replacement.

Who would have predicted that we were suffering from subpar performance from our former grinder all those years sir? The replacement is in another stratosphere when it comes to both how it grinds and how quiet it is.

That's my wish for you sir, that your new replacement will be a better model that will enrich your life. grin

Then too, I recall that when we were on a horse pack trip way into the Wilmore Wilderness, the camp cook made up a couple gallons in a metal pail every morning and so help me it stayed not too bad even up to noon. I mean one had to throw out the bottom of the cup for the grounds, but it wasn't bad Dan. Who would have thought?

Good hunting for a new coffee machine regardless and all the best in all else.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"