Paging Mr. Gandi...Mahatma Gandi to the mail room, please...

I'm sure most here realize firearms aren't the answer to our problem this time around...Biden has already telegraphed his of F-16's and nukes are just a calling card to Marshal law. And, emails are easily disposed of.

I think we need to take a page out of Gandi's play book...drown our state and federal capitals with hard-copy letters through the mail. One letter a week to each representative, house and a week, every week. We have a nation of over three hundred million people. If we could get just one percent of the population to send 6-8 letter each...24-25 million letters a week, through the postal service...USPS being required to deliver them!!! Flood those piss-ants with paper, every one of them. And one additional to the presidents' office They'd have to sort through each letter to find official communications.

These letters wouldn't have to be lengthy or complex, just say, "your my representative and I want you to focus on these issues immediately, then list 3-5 items...balance budget, southern boarder, covid, etc. Save each copy to each of your reps. on your computer. Then print and mail every week. FLOOD OUR CAPITALS WITH PAPER!!!

There has got to be 1% (three million) that are concerned enough to pend $3-4/wk for a couple months...tell two friends, and they tell two friends, and so on.

Last edited by org_Rogue_Hunter; 07/25/21.

U.S. government was established to represent citizens, NOT TO RULE OVER THEM.