I wouldnt know what to do if I lived in a blissful environment where my leather gloves didnt have green mold grow on them overnight, or the steering wheel of my truck white pasty mildew on it and the door handles in 3 days parked in the garage. Or having bread that lasted more than a couple days.
Fingerprint turns to rust on a rifle barrel in 6 hours.

Or dang, imagine how awesome it would be have my reloading set up in an outside metal shop without my dies rusting. Can’t leave dog food out in feed cans, turns to mush and sours. Hay gets moldy PDQ too.

Black mold on all the tractor controls and mower steering wheels.

It didnt rain here one year 2007 for about 3 months. Holy crap we were able to pour two big patios, redeck and re shingle 46 squares of roofing a paint the whole house, stain all three decks. A summer of uninterrupted improvements. Oh well, those were good times. I like knocking chit out and moving on to the next job.

About every afternoon is a 30-50% of rain and 90% humidity.

I hate that you all it so extreme the opposite. I’d trade you some mold and mildew and half of our rain.

These tomatoes are killing it too. Aggravation things, supposed to be non determinates. Must be the rain.