
Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
My Dad would preach on this in the late 70's to early 80's
A simple guy, he was anti political, didn't follow the news.
But he is perceptive, and intelligent.

I remember him looking at me and saying that the really wealthy people
didn't like us being able to go to attractions.

"You don't think it pisses them off to be standing in line behind ditch diggers and factory workers?

He was a union worker, I was being taught anti-union stuff in school.
(By union teachers?)

So I thought Dad was just nuts. Union propaganda.

Now Disney (an expensive experience to behpgin with)
Will allow those who want to pony up extra, to avoid those lines.
I know folks who pay it.
How long until there is a third tier? Or a day based feed schedule?
It's Disney's right. Even smart business.
But it's a sign.