Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
Being at ground zero for some of the craziest nonsense from 2020, I’m several months ahead of what they’re talking about doing for the rest of the country.

My employer didn’t mandate the vaccine, they did what everyone else (the new federal mandate) is doing…..they tried to bury us in the bureaucracy so that we’d cave in and get the shot.

We had daily questionnaires, daily Covid testing, mask mandates in buildings, the whole nine yards. Now we have none of it.

Having been down that road, here’s my advice.

Do everything they ask.

Want me to answer questions? Sure. Daily testing that takes up a half hour of my work day? No problem. Masks? I’d be happy to.

If the activity is mandated by your employer, it’s on their dime. They’ve gotta pay you to fill out the questionnaires, get tested, wait on the results, all of it. This is established by case law.

Abide by every ridiculous mandate. And every time your employer or supervision breaks the rules, file a official complaint against them. This sounds very snitchy. It’s not. It’s using the Leftist’s tools against them.

The bureaucracy will eventually crumble under its own weight. They don’t have the supervision the manage the process, they can’t afford to keep the testing going perpetually, and they can’t keep the machine running with their employees gone for the first 30-45 minutes of every day.

Trust me, even with an unlimited budget and all of the Leftist fervor they can muster—They can’t keep it up. I attribute it largely to the fact that the Left can’t focus in the long term. Their entire worldview is built around immediate gratification. Deprive them of it and they’ll move on to another crisis.

Blue, you are absolutely right about that.

Let them eat the cost of their shenanigans, too.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member