Looking at land to develop in the Spokane WA area, I would like to not need the grid for electricity if possible and I would likely build about an 800 square foot cabin. Money-wise, I would likely trade the expense of a bigger and more complex home for a smaller, simpler design and put that money into things like nice windows, insulation, solar, battery cell etc. Except for the bathroom, laundry and closet, I may just go with one large single room. I anticipate heating/cooling that with a ductless system and have an inline water heater. I'm probably looking at a few years out and may just park a 5th wheel on the property until building supply costs come down and I have enough funds to build.

With all that said, do people think it would be possible to supply all electric needs solely from a roof mounted solar system? Or would I need to couple it with something else? It would be me, maybe a girl friend sometimes and a dog. I know a lot of the answer depends on lifestyle. I would want to have a wall mounted flat screen and home theater system. Other than that, I would have some standard appliances.

Also, on a roof mounted system, is there a preferred roofing type? Would you need different framing or boards to support such a system?

Thanks in advance.

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