It really is important to figure out what you like to read. Fiction, history, what? P.G. Wodehouse wrote a lot of funny stuff. Jeeves the Butler series is pretty good. "Uncle Dynamite" and many others. Sidney Powell's book "Licensed to Lie" is a good read but it's primarily about our failed justice system. Ludlum and many others are pretty good for fiction action pieces. Victor Davis Hansen is good for history. Lee Smith's "The Permanent Coup" is a good read about the deep state war against Trump. Marcus Luttrell's "Lone Survivor" is good and Chris Kyle's "American Sniper". Charles Henderson's "Marine Sniper" about Carlos Hathcock is good. Most of Jack O'Connors books are good. "Hunting in the Rockies" comes to mind.

There's lots of good stuff to read if you're interested in it. I'd pick something you are interested in and you'll be in good shape.