Originally Posted by JeffA

A Tennessee teen practicing his surfing technique got upstaged by a shark last week, when the rambunctious predator burst from the ocean a few feet away and began a series of Olympic-style spins.

It happened Friday off North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, according to the teen’s mother, Kaci Allen. She identified the surfer as her 15-year-old son, Ethan, whom she calls “E.”

Her video shows Ethan’s surf board crossed over the shark a split second before it jumped from the water.
I didn’t even realize we’d captured the shark jumping up right after he pulled his feet up on the board!

I didn’t see this one until he was scrolling through videos! ... Seriously though, (as) soon as E pulled his feet up! ... We’ve seen sharks in the water before, but never captured video of one; they’re fast!”

The family lives near Nashville, Tennessee, but Kaci Allen is a Myrtle Beach native, according to her Facebook page.

It’s believed the shark was a young spinner shark, a species common off South Carolina that grows to about 6 feet and 120 pounds, according to Sciencing.com. Spinner sharks are not considered a threat to humans, the site says.

“This shark hunts by rapidly swimming upward into a school of fish while spinning and biting in all directions,” Sciencing.com reports. “It often breaches the water surface and spins through the air, which is how it gets its name.”

That shark was long arming him.

I am MAGA.