If BHO had swallowed his pride and chewed Stan McCrystal's a$$ rather than firing him over the Rolling Stone article back in 2010, our situation is Afghanistan would likely be much different today. Heck, if DJT had listened to McMaster things would likely be much different, better, today. While the buck does stop with POTUS, people who hold that office and who have no military experience and little understanding of military capabilities would do well to listen to people who do what is in the best interests of this Country rather what is the safe political move or what is best for them and their career.

Remember that Biden didn;t want to go after OBL in Pakistan, too dangerous to BHO's reelection for a second term if it failed. Tony Blinken was JRB's national security advisor during JRB's 1st term as VP, i wonder what sort of skeletons are hanging in that closet?

You should read the Rolling Stone article that got McCrystal fired, he said then that Biden's plan for Afghanistan would turn it into "Chaosistan" and he, McCrystal, was right.