Ah Roy--sorry to hear of the hunt not clickin right. I feel your pain and frustration, been there, had similar type things just not going the right way happen. Back in the mid 80's, last day of first Iowa bow season split. Had been after a large body, big antlered Iowa buck off and on for the first 60 day or so of first season split. Was in a big ol oak tree stand. Evening settin in, last 30 minutes or so of legal shooting time. My shooting lanes out front of me and to my right were good. Lane to left of center(east of me) only had a small opening around 3' in diameter at around 15 yards, but an easy shot where I could drill an arrow.

Mr Big Buck came from the east taking his time on the trail. Just around 20 feet from the opening to my right the trail forked. As he approached the opening I drew back my 50lb recurve, that big ol buck slowed and stopped, grazing on some twigs, two steps from the opening. I don't know how long I held back on full draw, seemed forever, thought, I can't hold back forever. Just as he started to move forward, I don't know to this day what the sound really was, but something to my rear (north) snapped or whatever the sound, but that buck stopped and glued his eyes my direction, never really seeing me or scenting (I was down wind of him). He held that stare for an eternity, my arms and right shoulder were killing me, two steps and arrow release. Well, as I guess it was meant to be, he was suspicious of something, he turned to his left and walked (slow) straight into the brush, tail down away from the trail, never taking his last two fatal steps. Shotgunners got him two days later, that hunt and my mind video are still with me today.

Did shoot a small rack buck in the late bow season after the gun seasons were over. Two years later I drilled a similar buck to the buck that walked away from me, a 12 point, thick rack 271# field dressed corn fed Iowa buck. Best of luck Roy in getting your bear.

Last edited by Savage94C; 09/06/21.