No Swamp creature, of either party, would dare to utter a discouraging word about BLM - not unless they want to see their own plaques and memorials pulled down like a Robert E Lee statue. Neither would they ever condemn Antifa, which is a vicious playpen housing the children of many of their colleagues and donors.

That leaves you and me to kick around.

As Bush is the man who will be forever tied to, and tainted by, the Project For A New American Century report that concluded - back in 2000, hint-hint - that America needs a new Pearl Harbor to prime the pump of defense spending, how can we be surprised about what he said? Punching down and hurting the conveniently powerless is how the Bush family has climbed the ladder to the very top.

If there were a ribbon for cowardly opportunism, Dubya would have it sewn onto every lapel in his clothes closet.

"To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." -- Thomas Jefferson

We are all Rhodesians now.