Originally Posted by bufaf
I've had 5 cardioversions and 3 ablations. The first 2 ablations were to fix AFIB. I had no AFIB after the 2nd procedure, but a few months later, 21% of my heartbeats were PVCs, or premature ventricular contractions. Had my 3rd ablation in April to fix that. Seems to have worked, although I still feel an irregular heartbeat occasionally.

Someone else mentioned the sedation options. Asleep is good, I don't recommend being awake if you can help it. I was awake for part of the ablation in April. Not a very pleasant experience.

A-fib ablations are often/usually under general anesthesia. PVC ablations use minimal sedation. Too much or the wrong stuff, and you don't have the PVC's. We gotta map 'em to burn 'em, and ya gotta have 'em to map 'em.