No way is the rut Peaking! I can Hear Bulls Raking, and Bugling, and we are not seeing the Bulls, with their Her-rums yet!
The Bulls are still in their chasing, ritual, stage, and are still working on dominance in their area.
Hence the Bugling, and we should start to see them fighting, very soon in the fields!

Beginning to Mid Rut, in my opinion, but, not Peaking yet, maybe close!

That Bull was in the middle of the field, with two uninterested, and probably not ready, Cows!

Still Very enjoyable!

Last edited by HunterShooter58; 09/25/21.

I Learned a long time ago to Separate My Want's from My Needs!

A man's Gotta Do What a Man's Gotta Do!

Know Thy Self!