24 Hour Campfire: While waiting for the Pa elk, view this 2 min video from Glacier NP, Montana, and view Logan's pass... two most popular hiking trails there, the Hidden lake trail and the Highline trail. On these hikes you should see many mountain goats and bighorn rams, and if lucky a grizzly on the Highline Trail. You will be amazed at the opportunity to see mountain wildlife up close... but keep a safe distance ( at least 25 feet for sheep & goats) as they are still wild and unpredictable. But sometime you will be unable to keep that safe distance, at least I did, but try...especially with grizzlies... 100 yds. You tube will have some great videos on hiking in the park.


Here is a 7 min video that will show you 6 hikes in Glacier NP, just to give you a taste of what you can and may see there. Enjoy ! HH

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22HYOZopcS8 Video by Garrett Galvan Hope no elk viewers are upset, just a break from elk viewing ! HH

Last edited by Hungry Horse; 09/25/21. Reason: correction