Originally Posted by MickeyD

I know you will not believe me....
It is FAR more man made nonsense. God is REAL!!!! I've had a personal (far more than just spiritual) physical conversation with Him. I stood in His presence. To say it was a life changing experience is a HUGE understatement.
Just look around you at all the wonders of this world, the unimaginable intricacies of it all....how everything is a self sustaining, self renewing...how it all balances out. Surely you can't think it's all just an accident.
Whether you wish to call Him God, there is an unimaginably powerful intelligence behind it all.
There is a peace that surpasses all understanding.

I pray that the Lord will heal your wounds and bring you to know Him and bless you with that peace. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light. None shall come to the Father save by Him.

So...you are weird.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.