Originally Posted by SamOlson
Slight distraction thread...

Last Sunday I fixed fence for 3-4 hours and took the afternoon off.

Monday and Tuesday was moving cows on BLM.

Wednesday-Friday was swathing hay.

Saturday and Sunday was easy, bale hay in the morning and dink off in the afternoon.

The weather couldn't be nicer.

What you guys having going on?

Extra points for pics.

Same as the previous three weeks, slept 14-15 hours each day.

But today I went back to work and am pretty sure someone kicked the living Christ out of me. There was one bright spot when the big boss drove slowly by the job inspecting our progress, stuck out his thumb and yelled "looking good James"...so I yelled back "it's just genetics".
He pulled his head inside the vehicle and was talking to himself as he drove away.

I felt pretty good about our moment.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.