Originally Posted by SAcharlie
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
Yet another girl abused by medical"care!"


"A report by the Odessa Accountability Project claims that a 17-year-old COVID patient suffering from breathing difficulties entered a hospital in Texas, only for staff to place a plastic bag over her head after she removed her face mask.

Yes, really.

A photo of the teenager posted to the group’s Facebook page shows the young woman with the bag, which features the words “equipment cover,” placed over her head and upper body. She is also wearing a face mask.

You don’t need to be a doctor to know the dangers of putting plastic bags over people’s heads, especially if they are already suffering from breathing difficulties."

This 17 year old young lady went to the emergency room in Odessa, COVID positive, because she couldn’t breath. She was humiliated and dehumanized by the staff. Aside from the warning on the bag not to place this over your head, as it could cause suffocation, this is just wrong. The bag is labeled equipment cover and has your typical warning on it. The girls mother said she complained of not being able to breath well, taking off the mask, and was asked to put it back on. The bag was over her head for roughly 30 minutes and she was instructed to save the bag for future use throughout the hospital."

Men, how would you respond to your daughters being punished with brain damage and threats of lethal suffocation for trying to breath? It doesn't take long for brain damage to occur from deprived oxygen.

Stupid fuq, again twisting facts to support his personal agenda.

It is pretty hard to cause O2 deprivation in a patient with an Oxygen hose up her nose.

Did your ignorant ass ever consider the hospital may be so overwhelmed with Covid patients that this was the best they had available in way of an Oxygen tent.

Nope, no need for "the rest of the story" here.

The many ignorant asses here are told what to think by the likes of Alex Jones.

This story as originally posted on Odessa Accountability Project's Facebook home page BEFORE it was picked-up and reported by Infowars...
(Facebook membership not necessary to view and read this)
