There are some pearls of wisdom in the previous posts but the main thing is do some research and GO! I didn’t get going elk hunting until my late 40’s. One thing I’ve learned is that lots of “life” can get in the way of elk hunting. Almost every year, some of our group falls out for one reason or another. This year it was Mark who has an episode of back pain that requires surgery, last year it was me due to cancer treatment side effects, year before Larry’s daughter getting married, another had a knee replacement, and on and on. My local muzzleloader hunt was train wrecked by the death and funeral of my best friend. You get my drift. Don’t put it off. You have 50 other weeks in a year to do other things, so don’t let the clock run out on you. I am blessed to have a 46 year old son who loves to hunt more than I do who tolerates the old man and doesn’t mind helping the somewhat infirm! LOL

My best recommendation is to find a trespass fee hunt in NW Colorado on private land adjacent to public land. Find a landowner that is willing to point you in the right direction, etc. Craig Chamber of Commerce and the internet can help.

My Golden Rule of elk hunting is to go hunt where there are lots of elk. Just in our group, some guys hardly ever take a critter and some almost alway score. My overall success rate is 56% in Colorado, 75% last 4 hunts, so statistics be darned.

Life Member NRA, RMEF, American Legion, MAGA. Not necessarily in that order.