Originally Posted by slumlord
I heard the sunscreen actually causes the cancer

Maybe I heard that from Dr Mercola

He’a a genius.

Kinda like mammagrams causing breast cancer

Many sun-block products are bad for your skin , zinc-oxide is suppose to be the safe thing to use . Never use sunblock products day after day , same with bug spray Off & such .

I went to the Dermatologist 7:30a on Tuesday - have about 15 blister spots on my face/head/chest/hands - freeze them off Dr. says the spots have a 10% chance of becoming cancerous .
$430 buckaroos worth of liquid nitrogen shot through a fancy stainless pistol .
Squamous & Basil Cell so far - oh Lord don't let me catch the Melanoma's
89,90,91,92 years I owned a Tanning business & Jet-Ski rental , every day in the sun March 1 - Sept. , and yes I laid in a tanning bed to see if it worked - it did . Us dummies thought a Tan was cool

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.