Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by gonehuntin
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by Riverc
I liked her more before her view on allowing men to play in women sports. She loss a lot of points, wouldn't support her as President or VP.

Originally Posted by gonehuntin
I'm done with her: she's a RINO. Her refusal to protect women's sports from men was a deal-breaker for me. She can go straight to hell. That's how I deal with R's who waver on social issues.
What will you do if the other choice is Kamala Harris?
If the fate of America comes down to those two stupid women then this nation is DONE.
I have sad news. This nation is done already. Trump stopped it for a while but the real powers that be have taken this opportunity to put us in a hole we cannot get out of. Watch the Virginia governor race, they will pull that one out just like they thwarted California, just like they elected 2 Democrats for Senate in Georgia, just like they manufactured enough votes for Joe. These TRILLIONS of dollars in debt have one purpose and that is our destruction as a viable nation.

I see what you talking, it's hard to accept what's happening when you have no power to stop it.And damn sure can't fight it with a handful of people.